K3WWP's Ham Radio Activities


20 meters

This antenna resides in the front room on the third floor as shown in four pictures below. The center 12 feet of it is a flat top mounted on the ceiling. Both ends then run down the walls first at a 45 degree angle where the walls are sloped to accomodate the sloping roof, then vertically down to the floor. The center is about 30 feet above ground (brick) level. So it is more or less an inverted vee with a flat top and vertical ends. It's fed with 72 ohm coax out the window, down the outside wall and through a hole in the wall to my shack. It's connected to a switch that is there for quick switching among my antennas. The ICOM AH705 tuner handles whatever tuning may be needed. The dipole consists of #18 stranded insulated wire. Since the picture was taken, I've added a coax balun at the feed point similar to that shown in the ten meters antenna pictures.