K3WWP's Ham Radio Activities

Fox HuntingFrequenciesmW QSOsPortable OperatingQRP Honor RollQRP StreaksRigsYearly Stats

Yearly Stats

To sum it all up in one short succinct statement, I believe comparing stats for each year shows the sunspot cycle fairly accurately. Of course other factors enter in as well. The amount of time on the air is a big factor, but it has been pretty uniform over the years in my case. The time of day the activity takes place is another factor. I could go on and on listing different factors, but I think sunspots and the resultant propagation are the biggest factors for the cycle in the stats in the tables below.

I chose 1995 as the starting year because that was the first full year of my streak and ensured I was on the air each of the 365 days of that year and all the days in each of the following years through the present. That would make the yearly comparisons more equal.

When the table became too wide to prevent sideways scrolling, I split the table into two segments with the latest years from 2015 to the present at top and the earlier years from 1995-2014 at the bottom.

The more years I add to this table, the more a graph of its values resembles a graph of the sunspot cycle, especially the figures dealing with DX on the higher bands - 20 meters and above. Asian and European QSO's most of all. However it also naturally depends on the other factors listed in the previous paragraph.

At some point, I decided to add a line to the table showing the average daily Solar Flux number so those studying the table can see how SF affected the stats for each year.

A red number indicates the highest number for that category.

Ave Daily SF191159125827470707789118
Cntrys Worked11096695465218086114118
10 M Cntrys68516160012453
12 M Cntrys1614200000220
15 M Cntrys7959403143015466980
17 M Cntrys2327101108203253
20 M Cntrys64605244511665628192
Tot QSO's147716462104940989422917160917341975
Test QSO's7396111570522575604059069691146
Non-Test QSO's7381035534418414362512703765829
6 M QSO's08000000011
10 M QSO's2411902182400136143
12 M QSO's2121200000226
15 M QSO's30717112692172018104224394
17 M QSO's426413310122953101
20 M QSO's30142956930229556301307390539
DX QSO's843632325180291444406818981486
Days DX Wkd17116092526741233365366365
AF QSO's534010616417353959
AS QSO's2931605040438
EU QSO's5393062078915511192222393954
OC QSO's152140201121821
SA QSO's82862023261076125139116
Pfx's Worked580539403314365153345429538686

Ave Daily SF146123120113807169738092106129180182179154118817277
Cntrys Worked131130121120686957687690991021271261491371231016798
10 M Cntrys857343670030012315791909787681132
12 M Cntrys4226222700000049828504123511
15 M Cntrys9093797837103193160777310283908577674352
17 M Cntrys6362354051001389101155403119623
20 M Cntrys100959389295144586569665686779210199603651
Tot QSO's28373624273125731219156120032158190523412112220439623386416856154553389839414777
Test QSO's1812254518291579687112615411688138019181701177234892815333247193854321632093476
Non-Test QSO's102510799029945314354624705254234114324735718368966996827321301
6 M QSO's120200230000000000000
10 M QSO's58144111726400910021135294980108311129385296549138
12 M QSO's65352435000000491432715730647
15 M QSO's4896674172695332774162241389384938630904848631429179416
17 M QSO's144144556651032381324238563482625103
20 M QSO's802110372643963164340346367470399420100962592414661408635474687
DX QSO's19142211114993913819513525927845069968919811874227120871389529233444
Days DX Wkd365331146198344143364543647011315230120816812476129
AF QSO's67664449597239122331352556472415818
AS QSO's495840281140204256437957747852
EU QSO's13591572829514819251791362413904391606156517511592101924230152
OC QSO's34311229381431341623372818338
SA QSO's13015889110131024423662966893739611572764770
Pfx's Worked846923753696269350368398402520531531841779922965818614515663