K3WWP's Ham Radio Activities


Picture of my 2k DXCC award

I wasn't really planning to try for this award, or I could have gotten it much quicker. I think the $10 fee charged by the ARRL for the award was much more than it should have been. So I was going to pass it by. Then when my total casually reached 92-93 countries, I figured it was after all, a once in a lifetime award and searched out the remaining few countries. Country # 100 in 2000 came on March 18th, and I received the award on April 6th.

Thanks to each of the 100 stations below for helping me to earn this award, and of course thanks to all other stations I worked during that landmark year as well .

    DATE      TIME  CALL        COUNTRY           BAND
  1 01/01/00  0001  VA3RJ       Canada              80
  2 01/01/00  1446  F5POJ       France              10
  3 01/01/00  1459  N2WJ        United States       40
  4 01/02/00  0049  W2FXA/VP9   Bermuda             30
  5 01/03/00  1441  8P2000      Barbados            15
  6 01/04/00  1444  IK3ORH      Italy               15
  7 01/05/00  1413  S57DF       Slovenia            10
  8 01/06/00  1019  FG/JJ2NYT   Guadeloupe          40
  9 01/07/00  1456  T77BL       San Marino          10
 10 01/08/00  1416  DK2IO       Germany             15
 11 01/08/00  1816  ZF2NT       Cayman Is.          10
 12 01/08/00  1953  KL7RA       Alaska              15
 13 01/08/00  2134  XE2MX       Mexico              15
 14 01/11/00  1402  9A2UU       Croatia             10
 15 01/13/00  1421  OK2PAY      Czech Republic      10
 16 01/13/00  1432  G3UOF/2K    England             17
 17 01/13/00  1441  ON6KD       Belgium             12
 18 01/14/00  1433  EW6AL       Belarus             10
 19 01/14/00  1440  SM3UFF      Sweden              10
 20 01/15/00  1359  RA2FBC      Kaliningrad         10
 21 01/15/00  1402  UA4LCH      European Russia     20
 22 01/15/00  1410  OG5CW       Finland             12
 23 01/15/00  1439  HA8TP       Hungary             10
 24 01/15/00  1443  LZ2DD       Bulgaria            10
 25 01/15/00  1459  SP2FHS      Poland              10
 26 01/15/00  1503  OM8LA       Slovakia            10
 27 01/15/00  2118  V51AS       Namibia             20
 28 01/16/00  1420  LY2LA       Lithuania           10
 29 01/17/00  1353  ER2000F     Moldova             10
 30 01/17/00  1400  LA9VDA      Norway              12
 31 01/18/00  1501  OZ7YY       Denmark             12
 32 01/20/00  0309  CO8ZZ       Cuba                20
 33 01/21/00  0009  F6FQX/TI    Costa Rica          20
 34 01/22/00  1455  YU1NW       Yugoslavia          10
 35 01/28/00  0016  NP2/K7BV    Virgin Is.          15
 36 01/30/00  2256  EA8/DF3FJ   Canary Is.          30
 37 02/02/00  0001  LU1GOE      Argentina           20
 38 02/04/00  0019  J3/K4LTA    Grenada             30
 39 02/04/00  0023  KP4RAT      Puerto Rico         30
 40 02/06/00  1458  GM4FDM      Scotland            15
 41 02/07/00  0021  HC8N        Galapagos Is.       15
 42 02/08/00  1434  ES1WN       Estonia             10
 43 02/11/00  0014  UA0ABK      Asiatic Russia      20
 44 02/13/00  0120  KG4KO       Guantanamo Bay      30
 45 02/15/00  1446  YL2000UZ    Latvia              10
 46 02/16/00  0030  JW9VDA      Svalbard            17
 47 02/18/00  0052  K8DD/C6A    Bahamas             20
 48 02/19/00  0010  V47KP       St. Kitts & Nevis   15
 49 02/19/00  0023  VP5EA       Turks & Caicos Is.  20
 50 02/19/00  0029  P49V        Aruba               15
 51 02/19/00  0029  V31TP       Belize              15
 52 02/19/00  0104  NH7A        Hawaii              15
 53 02/19/00  0124  EA4KA       Spain               20
 54 02/19/00  0147  3E1CW       Panama              20
 55 02/19/00  0150  ZD8Z        Ascension Is.       20
 56 02/19/00  0200  VP2EC       Anguilla            15
 57 02/19/00  0353  V26G        Antigua             40
 58 02/19/00  1358  C4A         Cyprus              10
 59 02/19/00  1402  HB2BCK      Switzerland         10
 60 02/19/00  1447  UT9F        Ukraine             15
 61 02/19/00  1532  OE2M        Austria             10
 62 02/19/00  1536  EI4DW       Ireland             10
 63 02/19/00  1549  PA5NT       Netherlands         10
 64 02/19/00  1603  OH0B        Aland Is.           10
 65 02/19/00  1744  5N0W        Nigeria             15
 66 02/19/00  1823  MD/DL3OI    Isle of Man         10
 67 02/19/00  1858  YO3APJ      Romania             15
 68 02/19/00  2044  6V6U        Senegal             15
 69 02/19/00  2054  TG9/IK2NCJ  Guatemala           20
 70 02/19/00  2128  HC2SL       Ecuador             10
 71 02/19/00  2155  JF1SQC      Japan               10
 72 02/19/00  2257  PY3PAZ      Brazil              15
 73 02/20/00  0415  VP6BR       Pitcairn Is.        20
 74 02/20/00  0514  YT4AY       Bosnia              40
 75 02/20/00  1502  YV4AA       Venezuela           10
 76 02/20/00  1622  IS0GSR      Sardinia            10
 77 02/20/00  1746  CT1GFK      Portugal            10
 78 02/20/00  1815  EA6NB       Balearic Is.        10
 79 02/20/00  2230  CX9AU       Uruguay             10
 80 02/28/00  1050  PJ4/K2NG    Bonaire             40
 81 02/29/00  1220  VK4XA       Australia           20
 82 03/02/00  1334  PJ8/W1HL    Sint Maarten        15
 83 03/03/00  1219  FO0AAA      Clipperton Is.      30
 84 03/03/00  2336  7X4AN       Algeria             15
 85 03/04/00  0312  JT1DA       Mongolia            15
 86 03/05/00  0520  XF4LWY      Revilla Gigedo      20
 87 03/06/00  1946  OD5/OK1MU   Lebanon             17
 88 03/07/00  0543  ZK1XXC      South Cook Is.      20
 89 03/07/00  2236  J79KAC      Dominica            17
 90 03/08/00  0046  FY5FY       French Guiana       15
 91 03/09/00  0034  ZP6CW       Paraguay            10
 92 03/10/00  0511  SV/OK1YM    Greece              20
 93 03/10/00  2225  J6/K4WA     St Lucia            17
 94 03/15/00  0008  DL7DF/HI9   Dominican Republic  17
 95 03/16/00  2354  HL4HLD      South Korea         10
 96 03/17/00  2251  A45XR       Oman                15
 97 03/18/00  1458  9H1ZA       Malta               10
 98 03/18/00  1610  Z31FK       Macedonia           10
 99 03/18/00  1821  GI0KVQ      Northern Ireland    12
100 03/18/00  1946  VP2VI       British Virgin Is.  12