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QN Signals
by John Shannon, K3WWP

In addition to the regular Q signals used in everyday ham conversation, there are also special QN signals that were designed for net use only. The following table lists these signals with their meanings. Several of these are almost never used as questions so unlike the regular Q signal list, this table lists only a general meaning for each. I have also included a few other Q signals that are not QN's, but are used generally only in nets.

QNAAnswer in prearranged order
QNBAct as relay between ...... and ......
QNCAll net stations copy
QNDNet is directed
QNEEntire net please stand by
QNFNet is free
QNGTake over as Net Control Station (NCS)
QNHYour net frequency is high
QNIReport into net -or- I report into net
QNJCan you copy ......?
QNKTransmit message(s) (for ......) to ......
QNLYour net frequency is low
QNMYou are QRMing ...... Please stand by
QNNWho is net control station? -or- Net control station is ......
QNOGoing out of net
QNPUnable to copy you or ......
QNQMove frequency to ...... and wait for ...... to finish handling traffic. Then send him traffic for ......
QNRAnswer ..... and relay (or receive) traffic
QNSFollowing stations in net ... ... ...
QNTLeaving net temporarily (or for ... minutes) -or- I request to leave net temporarily, etc.
QNU...... has traffic for you: await instructions
QNVEstablish contact with ...... on this frequency. If successful, move to .....kHz and send him traffic for ......
QNWThrough whom shall I relay message for ......
QNXYou are excused from the net -or- I request to be excused from the net
QNYPlease shift to another frequency (or to ....kHz) to prevent QRMing other net stations (or to clear traffic with ......)
QNZZero beat your signal with mine
QSGSend ... messages at a time -or- Shall I send ... messages at a time
QTACancel nr ... as if it had not been sent -or- Shall I cancel nr ... as if it had not been sent?
QTBDo you agree with my number of words? -or- I do not agree with your number of words; I will repeat the first letter of each word and the first figure of each number.
QTCHow many messages have you to send? -or- I have ... messages for you or for ......