K3WWP's Ham Radio Activities

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shack May 2024 My station as of May 29, 2024 with my new radio purchased in September 2023, an ICOM IC705 as my main rig in front of a couple blocks of wood for support. The rest of the station is pretty much the same except for the AH705 antenna tuner now to the left of my antenna switching unit. A couple other changes are the addition of my QRP ARCI Hall of Fame plaque above the AH705 tuner and the 2023 13 Colonies certificate replacing the older 2022 one. Also external speakers for the IC705 to the left of the row of keys. Of course in front of the 13 Colonies Certificate is the aged traditional lamp which arrived about the same time as my KN3WWP license in April 1963 and is still serving faithfully after all these many years.

latest_shack_config My station as of April 19, 2023 which has been changed somewhat since the last picture from 2014. On the wall L-R are part of my calendar, my license, my remote weather unit, and my 2022 13 Colonies award. On the shelf L-R you'll see my 7AH battery I used to use for portable operating of the KX3, my K2 with a loose wooden knob cover on top, my antenna switching box, my KX3 and PX3 on my homebrew stand, my atomic clock which keeps perfect time but doesn't have a UTC setting hence the MFJ clock in front of it to remind me of the UTC hour, the old faithful lamp which is almost as old as my ham radio career. Between shelf and desk are my headphones hanging on the wall plugged into a jack on the bottom of the shelf to provide an extension to keep the cord from getting in my way as I operate, my four keying devices described more completely below, a large (very) mouse pad to cover the nicks and dents as described in another picture below, my logging pen and pencil and S shaped paper weight to keep the log in place on windy window open days, my log, my powerpole connectors to feed power from the power supply below on the desk to the rigs and gear. One more thing to mention. The top of chair which has been with me since the beginning along with the desk which was there even before I became a ham.

portable station My latest portable station I use when going to our Kittanning Community Park (shown here), Moraine State Park, and other portable locations. The picture shows my portable Bencher Paddle, a bag with my water bottle in it, the PX3 atop the KX3 both on the portable stand, in the background Mike's case and my box for our equipment, my log and pens, little clock, Bioenno battery. The headphone cord is dangling down over the bench edge.

kx3/px3 upgrade My station as of October 23, 2014 with still the KX3 (of course) as my main rig but with an important change. L-R on shelf: 7Ah gel cell for the KX3 portable ops, K2, antenna switch, KX3 with the new PX3 panadapter above it. On the desktop, my key collection, paper log and pen/pencil. The big change from the picture below is the new PX3 replacing the laptop panadapter. Also a new clock on the wall, repositioning of my NAQCC membership plaque, and a paint job for the antenna switch and KX3 mount. You'll note the lamp is still there - about the only remaining thing from the shack of the 1960s - although you can only see a tiny bit of it in this picture. Well, the desk remains also. In case you wonder about the rooster place mats on the desk, they are there to provide a smooth writing surface since the desk also served as a workbench over the years and got quite a few nicks and dents in it that made writing a challenge.

shack June 2014 My station as of June 10, 2014 with still the KX3 (of course) as my main rig. L-R on shelf: 7Ah gel cell for the KX3 portable ops, K2 with remote weather unit on top, antenna switch, KX3. On the desktop, my key collection, paper log and pen/pencil, laptop computer with my panadapter on the screen. The main changes from the picture below are the modification of my shelf to make room for the laptop and the new ARRL Centennial paddle given to me as a retirement (as NAQCC VP) gift by the NAQCC members replacing the Bencher paddle which is now relegated to portable operation duty.

kx3 on desk My latest station setup from 2012-2014 with the KX3 (added 10/21/2012) as the main rig and other Elecraft rigs as standby/portable gear. L-R on shelf: Logs, award tracking, info, etc. papers; K2 with antenna switch on top; KX3 in hmbw mounting bracket; KX1; Computer monitor. On the desktop, my key collection and current log. On the wall in back of the KX3 is my latest digital calendar with date and temperature readouts. Of course there is that lamp lurking on the mantle.

k2 on desk My station with the K2 as my main rig from 2011-2012. L-R on shelf: KX-1 portable rig, antenna tuner / switch, K2 with 6M transverter on top and clock on top of that, TS-570D, my little calendar. On the desktop at left is my key collection shown in more detail below and my log. Of course the traditional lamp still there on the mantle. The little switch box under the shelf at left is for switching headphones and key between the K2 and 570.

480 on desk My station with the TS-480SAT I used on loan from Mike KC2EGL from 2008-2011. L-R: TS-570 with the 480 speaker I seldom use on top, antenna tuner / switch, TS-480 with clock and FISTS emblem on the RF unit in back, my little calendar in front of the tiny key given to me by Geo N1EAV, and some papers. On the desktop at left is my key collection shown in more detail below and my log. Of course the traditional lamp still there on the mantle.

Keys Here is my 2010-2014 key setup. I have four keys arranged so I can seamlessly switch among them at any time. See the large size picture for identification of the items. The Bencher paddle has now been replaced by the ARRL Centennial Paddle as shown in the first picture above. Also the external keyers are gone as I use the KX3 internal keyer now.

New equipment My station with the TS-570D(G) as my main rig from 1999-2008. L-R: Kenwood power supply, new homebrew antenna tuner / switch, TS-570D with the same clock on top, QRP+ with calendar in front, and some papers. Note the lamp now has a new blue-green shade - other than that it's still the same old lamp. On the desktop I've added a straight key so I can switch to it immediately when I wish.

Me and my station Here's me and my old homebrew station from 1992-1999. At the right in the picture is the old Tandy 1000SX computer I used for contesting. It's since been upgraded twice to a Quantex 486 66MHz computer and the current eMachines computer. The tennis ball is there for squeezing to exercise the fingers and wrist. You've got to be in shape to do a lot of CW. HI.

Old equipment This is a closer look at the homebrew equipment I used for many years. L-R are my: antenna tuner (brown box) with the built in power / swr meter at the bottom, homebrew transmitter, ICOM R-71A receiver with UTC digital clock on top, VFO that started life as a Lafayette VFO in the 60's, but has been extensively modified, VFO power supply. On the desktop: keyer, homebrew paddle made from two straight keys, log and computer mouse. The old lamp is still there. Centered above the station on the wall is my license - now in a different frame and position.

Me operating station Here I am doing one of the things I like best, working CW. The view out the window shows the building across the street that used to house a Pepsi distributor. The northern horizon in the distance is the lowest point in the hills surrounding our town. Also in this picture above my head (top to bottom) are my SOWP 40 WPM code certificate, my ARRL 35 WPM certificate, and ARRL membership.

QSL wall Awards When I was a Novice I displayed my QSL cards on the wall. This (left) is how the wall looked in August, 1963. Take a look at the full size picture and see if you recognize any of these folks from so many years ago. It brings back a lot of memories when I look over these cards. That's my license in the frame in the middle of the cards. Note the lamp in the right part of the picture. It's still there now. After quite a few years of inactivity I replaced the cards with my awards (right) when I became active again in 1993. Top row: A-1 Operator (with my license) - FISTS Membership - ARRL HPM Birthday Celebration. Middle row: DXCC - USA-CA 1500 - WPX. Bottom row: WAC - WAS

It seems obligatory for a ham site to have some antenna pictures if there are any pictures at all. Mine are now located here in my Homebrewing section.

Looking west Looking east Now some idea of the local terrain. At left is the view to the northwest from my shack window. The river runs just this side of the hills in the background which give me about 5-6 degrees of horizon blockage. In the foreground is my 10m dipole which does not run up to that telephone pole across the street. It's just an illusion of perspective. At right is a view to the east showing a beautiful rainbow over the hills which extend upward about 9 degrees and block my low angle radiation in the direction of Africa.

Me and my pike When I'm not hamming, I like to fish. Here's a sample of what I catch here in the Allegheny River that runs through Kittanning. It's a 27 inch northern pike caught using a small sandpike for bait. It was caught on Sept 17, 1998.

Thanks to the following for helping to take the pictures in my web site and to scan them: Eric KB3BFQ; Dan KE3WH; Mickey Roudebush; Brenda Bowser; Curron Hill now KB3DRW; Mike KC2EGL, Jasmine Wolfe.