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This page is for those of you who are interested in the technical aspects of a web site such as writing the HTML code, browser compatibility, etc. Maybe you wonder why something looks strange to you on your browser. You might find the answer here.

This current version of my site makes extensive use of style sheets. This allows me to make overall changes in appearance to my site by simply editing a style sheet instead of changing the HTML coding on each page. For example, the top row of many of my data tables has a green background. Should I decide to change this to red, all I need do is make a change in my style sheet, changing the color for the class I call .toprow from green to red. That immediately changes the color on the 20-30 pages that use such tables without doing any editing at all to the individual pages.

Should you be using a browser that doesn't support style sheets (they are few and far between now), you can still see all of the info on my site, but without the different font types, font colors, table background colors, etc. that are controlled by the style sheet. Instead these things will be controlled by your browser defaults. I know the site works perfectly in Microsoft Edge. I can't speak for others since I use nothing but Microsoft Edge here.

To see the site exactly as I intend it to be seen, you should be using a screen resolution of 1600 X 900 with at least High Color (16bit).

I currently edit my site with the simple Microsoft text editor Notepad. Basic, but serves my simple needs. In the past I have used the free HTML editors Komodo Edit and HTML-Kit for editing my web site. Also I used Notepad++ or Codepad++. I'll leave the following here because Komodo and HTML-Kit are still fine editors. I have tried other editors over the years, but find those two were most suitable to my needs at the time. Each had a couple features that the other didn"t, so sometimes I found one worked better for me for a certain feature. Notepad which I use now doesn't have all the features of a dedicated HTML editor, but now that I do less editing of my site, it serves me just fine and makes a great general text editor as well.

To upload pages to my web sites, I used to use FileZilla, a freeware FTP client. I have tried other FTP programs over the years, but found FileZilla the easiest to use. Now I also use RealFTP which is quite similar to FileZilla.

Sometime ago at the last major format change of the site, I decided that site counters are pretty much a thing of the past on the Internet. So you will no longer see one on my site. Well, actually there are little links to StatCounter and FreeVisitorCounters at the very bottom of some pages. I do still keep track of the number of visits to the web site through those two services. First because I love anything to do with statistics. Second because it does give me a clue of how changes affect the number of visitors to the site.